Want to Reduce Your Recruitment Spend?


Why are'businesses still putting up with high recruitment costs?

In a tougher economic climate, recruiters are struggling to keep up with spiralling recruitment costs. In-house, the drain on recruiters can be huge, while outsourcing to traditional recruitment agencies can end up becoming a high cost to recruiters. All this is surprising when there is arecruitment model'that actively reduces recruitment costs.

  1. Flat fee for lower cost per hire: Flat fee recruitment lets recruiters see exactly what the'cost of recruitment'is. It also cuts the many hidden costs of hiring. The Response Web Recruitment approach has been proven to offer up to a 74% reduction in recruitment costs and up to a 90% reduction in the time spent hiring new employees.
  2. Online recruitment: An innovative online recruitment model can significantly reduce the costs of recruitment. This is achieved by combining advanced recruitment technology with specialist recruitment knowledge - an approach that has helped save our clients a combined saving of over '14.4m since 2003.
  3. Better reach: Reaching the right people has traditionally formed a significant part of recruitment costs. But online recruitment allows recruiters to find the people they need while keeping costs low.

Download our free eGuide on the''6 Reasons to use Response Web Recruitment' amd find out how you can reduce your recruitment costs.